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If you read all of my articles then you may know that I use custom emojis a lot, for example (). Those emojis are called twemoji, it's an open-source emoji library by Twitter. So we are talking about how you can use twemoji on Blogger's blog. Now if you going to install the default font and use twemoji it's a bit confusing and hard to do on Blogger, but we are going to use a remodified library of twemoji which is called Twemoji Awesome.

What is twemoji awesome?

Twemoji awesome is basically a remodified library of twemoji. It's created for making the usage of twemoji easy as font-awesome. All emojis of twemoji-awesome are based on SVG format, so you can make the emojis as large as you want.

Why you should use twemoji awesome on your blog?

Look nowadays who hates emojis? Literally, everyone likes emojis cause anyone can express their feelings using emojis. Twemoji is based on Twitter emojis so it also looks so cute, to be honest . Now you can also use normal default emojis on your blog articles, then why you should install twemoji? Basically, twemoji helps you to maintain the aesthetics of your blog look.

How to install twemoji awesome?

To install twemoji on your blogger blog, you have to add the CDN of twemoji-awesome on your theme. To add the CDN open your blogger dashboard then click on the Theme section then go to edit HTML mode. Now search for <head> or &lt;head&gt;. After finding the head tag copy the below code and paste this below the head tag and save your theme.
<link href='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ellekasai/twemoji-awesome@gh-pages/twemoji-awesome.css' rel='stylesheet'/>

How to use twemoji awesome?

Now if you just going to add some normal emojis to your article twemoji won't work. As I already said twemoji is just like font-awesome so you have to use it like font-awesome. Don't worry it's so simple to use, just look at the below codes.
Normal size emojis .
<i class="twa twa-heart"></i>
Large size emojis .
<i class="twa twa-lg twa-sparkles"></i>
2x large size emojis .
<i class="twa twa-2x twa-hatching-chick"></i>
So now choose the size you want although I will suggest you use the normal size emojis in your article. So after choosing the size, just copy the code from above and open any emoji cheat sheet. Now copy the emoji name which emoji you want to use in your article, then replace the name with the code you copied from here.

For example I want to use this emoji, so i have to just replace the name <i class="twa twa-heart"></i> to <i class="twa twa-stuck-out-tongue"></i>. Now just paste this code on HTML mode of your article.


As we all know emoji is the best way to express your feelings online and looks also matter for some people like me. So you can use twemoji for both looks and expressing your feelings. That's it for this, thanks for reading .

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