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Hello everyone! Today in this article i will cover everything you need to know to set up a lavalink music bot without any coding knowledge.

So before you start following this article make sure to create a lavalink server for yourself, you will get a detailed article from www.oddcoder.xyz/lavalink-tutorial

After creating your own Lavalink server, follow all the steps below to create a Lavalink music bot by yourself without any coding knowledge.

Create Your Bot Account

Afterwards, head to https://discord.com/developers/applications to create your bot's account, be sure to enable all gateway intents.

Using Replit

If you want to create the bot using replit for avoiding hosting fees then fork the replit project below (click on the fork repl button then you will be redirected to replit website then fork the project from there)

So after forking is done go into the replit secret tab write TOKEN into the key field and put your bot token into the value field then add the secret.

Important ENVIRONMENT variables 

Now write CLIENT_ID into the key field and put your bot client ID into the value field then add the secret.

Similarly, write MONGO_URL into the key field and put your MongoDB URI into the value field then add the secret. Now if you don't know how to create a MongoDB URI you can watch the video below.

Optional ENVIRONMENT variables

So here are some optional ENVIRONMENT variables that you can add if you want, first the PREFIX variable just add this to the key field and write a prefix into the value field after that add the secret. Similarly, you can add SUPPORT and INVITE into the key field and add your support server link and invite link for the bot into the value field. Also, you can add LOGS and ERROR_LOGS_CHANNEL into the key field then put the channel id where you want logs into the value field.

Lavalink ENVIRONMENT variables

So if you don't own a lavalink server you can read this article or watch the video below.

Afterward, Write NODE_HOST into the key field and write the host name into the value field now add the secret. Similarly, write NODE_PORT into the key field and write the port into the value field now add the secret. Do the same for the password write NODE_PASSWORD into the key field and write the lavalink password into the value field now add the secret. Now, write NODE_SECURE into the key field and if your server is secure then write true into the value field, if your server is not secure write false into the value field and add the secret.

Now run your bot and see if is it working fine or not. If it isn't working then check all the env.

How to make 24/7

To make it 24/7 copy the URL you will get from the project then go to Odd Pinger and log in with your discord account then go to the dashboard and add the copied URL and click submit. Now your project will stay 24/7 active.


So that's it for this article i hope this article might helpful for you if you have any questions regarding this article feel free to ask me in the comment box also you can share your feedback in the comment box.

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