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If you write an article on a blogger blog then maybe you always think about how I can protect my article from being stolen. This is 2022 at this time you can protect your article cause if you use any plugin or javascript code to disable copy-paste, then it's so easy to bypass.

So what you can do now? At this time you can use the automatic read more source links system. First of all, it's so easy to install in your google blogger blog and second of all, it will add an automatic read more link with the copied text.

Advantages and Disadvantages of this

First, let's talk about all the advantages of the automatic read more source links system. The automatic read more source links system basically helps you to gain some more viewers for your article. Suppose I want to copy a part of text from your blog and want to show my friend so without any automatic read more source links system it kinda looks like this.

Copied text
Now if you use the automatic read more source links system then it kinda looks like the below link.

Copied text
Read more: https://www.oddcoder.xyz/2022/05/how-to-add-automatic-read-more-source.html
Now let's talk about the disadvantages of this automatic read more source links system. To be honest, there are no major disadvantages in the automatic read more source links system, But if you provide any kind of code in your article then read more text will also be copied with the code. So if you provide any kind of codes in your blog then better to don't use this system.

How to add this feature to your blogger blog

So now let's talk about how you can add this automatic read more source links system in your blogger blog.

First of all, open your theme in edit HTML mode, after that search for </body> tag now copy paste the below code after </body> tag.

<script type='text/javascript'>
// Copy Text
function nocopas(){var e=window.getSelection();pagelink=" Read more: "+document.location.href,copytext=e+pagelink,newdiv=document.createElement("div"),newdiv.style.position="absolute",newdiv.style.left="-99999px",document.body.appendChild(newdiv),newdiv.innerHTML=copytext,e.selectAllChildren(newdiv),window.setTimeout(function(){document.body.removeChild(newdiv)},100)}document.addEventListener("copy",nocopas);
Now save your theme and if everything is okay then the result should look like the below image:


So this is not a proper way to protect your content, it's just a way to add your credit to the copied article from your blog. If you know any others ways to do that let me know in the comment section. I hope this article might helpful for you, if you have any doubt make sure to ask me in the comment section. Thanks for reading <3.

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