We're having lots of fun on Discord! Come and join us! 💬
Hello, world! Today i will cover everything you need to set up a multipurpose discord bot without any coding knowledge.

We will talk about two ways you can do this, both are free, either on your computer or using replit.com we will cover each method in detail.

So here is a list of all the available features of this bot:
  1. Slash Commands
  2. Staff Commands
  3. Fun and Entertaining Commands
  4. Utility Commands
  5. NSFW Commands (Deleted for some error)
  6. Economy System
  7. MongoDB Integration
  8. And many more!


If you don't want to keep your pc running 24/7 this is for you, first, you will need to press the fork button to create a copy of the bot so you can customize it to your preference.

Create a bot

First, open this link https://discord.com/developers/applications (it's also called discord developer portal). Log in to the developer portal if you aren't already logged in. After that make sure to enable all the gateway intents.

Customize the project on replit

Copy your bot token from the discord developer portal and head over to the replit secret tab, type TOKEN in the key field, and paste the copied token into the value field.

Note: Your bot's token is like your password but worst, users who have it will have full control over your bot so make sure to keep it safe.
Now type MONGO_URI in the key field and add your mongo token into the value field (make sure that there are no URL parameters in the token). if you don't know how to get a MongoDB token you can watch the video below.
 Now if you want to change the activity of the bot you can change it from src/Events/Ready.js. After that run the project.

How to make 24/7

To make your bot 24/7 online you can use uptime monitor services like statuscake, freshping, etc. If you want to use freshping watch the tutorial below to know how you can make your discord bot 24/7. Also you can use our Odd Pinger for that.

How to host locally

So if you want to host this bot in your local computer then follow all the steps:
  1. First, download this repo from GitHub.
  2. Make sure that your computer has node.js 16+ installed on it.
  3. Open the shell or terminal of that folder where you extracted all the files of that downloaded repo.
  4. Type npm install into the shell.
  5. Now type node . to run your bot.
  6. Your bot is running enjoy.
 So that's it for the article i hope it might be helpful for you bye! 👋

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