We're having lots of fun on Discord! Come and join us! 💬
Hello, world! Today we will cover everything you need to set up a bot so that helpful members of your server can feel appreciated.

We will talk about two ways you can do this, both are free, either on your computer or using replit.com we will cover each method in detail.


If you don't want to keep your pc running 24/7 this is for you, first, you will need to press the fork button to create a copy of the bot so you can customize it to your preference.

Create Your Bot Account

Afterwards, head to https://discord.com/developers/applications to create your bot's account, be sure to enable all gateway intents.

Customize Your Bot On Replit

Copy your bot's token and head to the secrets tab on replit, type "TOKEN" in the "key" box and paste your token in the "value" box.

Note: Your bot's token is like your password but worst, users who have it will have full control over your bot so make sure to keep it safe.

Head back to the files tab and open the "config.js" file, next, replace "BOT TOKEN" with process.env.TOKEN (no quotes), and then replace "BOT OWNER ID 1" with your discord id, You can also put a trusted friend's id in the second position, lastly, copy your a support role id to the helper field, you can as many support roles as you like!

Changing the remaining options in this file is up to you, here is a breakdown of each option:
  • prefix: Customize the bot's prefix example "+thank @Pax he's a wizard!"
  • footer: This text will show at the bottom of the appreciation embed
  • color: Customize the embed's color.
  • activity: This text will appear in your bot's status.

Start Your Bot

One final step, press the run button on replit to start your bot and invite it to your discord server.

Now your users will feel appreciated, You can even use the top command to keep an eye on your most valuable members, One thing to note, replit requires you to subscribe to their hacker plan to have your bot running 24/7 however, you can check the video below to do it for free!

Visual Studio Code

So you have decided to run the bot from your pc, follow the steps below to get started.

Install NodeJS

This is the development environment your bot needs, make sure your computer has Node JS installed, if not you can download it from here

Download Bot Files From Github

Head to appreciation-bot click the green button "Code" then select "Download Zip" a download should start automatically once it's finished, place the zip in any folder you like and right-click, then select "Extract here". 

Create Bot account

Head to https://discord.com/developers/applications to create your bot's account, copy your bot's token for later, and be sure to enable all gateway intents.

On Your computer right click "config.js" under "open with" and select "Visual Studio Code", you can start customizing the bot, as follows: 
paste your token in the "token" field, and then replace "BOT OWNER ID 1" with your discord id , You can also put a trusted friend's id in the second position, lastly, copy your a support role id to the helper field, you can put as many support roles as you like!

Changing the remaining options in this file is up to you, here is a breakdown of each option:
  • prefix: Customize the bot's prefix example "+thank @Pax he's a wizard!"
  • footer: This text will show at the bottom of the appreciation embed
  • color: Customize the embed's color.
  • activity: This text will appear in your bot's status.

Start Your Bot

Open a PowerShell or cmd window inside the folder where your bot files are located and run the following commands.

"npm install" this command will install all the files your bot needs to run, once it finishes run "node index.js" this will start your bot, make sure you invite it to your discord server, and that's it you can start using your bot!

Note: if you close this terminal window then your bot will stop responding to commands, if you don't want to keep your computer running check the guide above to host your bot using replit. 

Article written by Pax#7393

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